
Okay, here we go. I'm not 100% sure why I'm doing this, but some people may have questions, so I might as well get it over with. Some are spoilers, I'll mark those with an asterisk if you're a newbie who doesn't like being spoiled.

Who are you?
Well, I'm Ruthi, better known as Sar. I'm a bored little girl with no life. Yay for me. I like to make this face. :< see? see how cute :< is??!?!

So, why are you making this comic, you stupid moron?
Ooohh, storytime. Okay, so one day I was bored and I drew this girl. I called her Arisa. I wanted to do something, to place her in a story of some sort, but I had no idea where she would fit. After that, the Etherworld concept hit me, but I still had no idea how I was going to put it all together. Then, when I was listening to a song, the entire story hit me over the head like a great big carp. And I started spurting out pages. And here we are today. I'm rather proud of this, my other attempts have always fallen flat after a few pages. But not this baby! Mwah. So yeah.

What sort of media do you use?
I hand draw all the pages first, in my cozy little mini-sketchbook. Then I scan them in, go over them (with my lovely Wacom tablet named Crookshanks), and color (eh, shade, whatever) in Adobe Photoshop Elements. The time I spend on this varies between how much work I put in the pages and how focused I am on the task at hand. Either way, it floats my boat and that's good enough for me.

When do you update?
Daily, baby! I have a ton of pages laying around, and I figure I might as well. I might slow down the pace when the website catches up with what I have saved, but even then it'd still be pretty frequent. (something like m-w-f. That sound good?)

Can I use your work for icons, layouts, ect. ect.?
I'll let you, as long as you remember to ASK FIRST. I like to know what happens with my work. And I find it extremely flattering.

What about fanfics/fanart/stuff of that nature?
Absolutely! Go ahead! Just email it to me at tellublossom@ec.rr.com and I'll see what I can do. I'd like to have a fan section for this poor little webiste someday. :<
I read this when it was posted in your journal, so why isn't so-and-so on the bio page?/ Who is so-and-so in the gallery?
a) I update the bio as characters are introduced. Because I like leaving you in suspense. Bios that are already there are updated as info is revealed about characters, too. So you might want to keep checking on that.
b) The website is way behind on what I have. The gallery is current. Deal with it. *cackle*

Does Arisa find Emi?

Okay. almost everyone who reads ALGR asks that question when they're done reading what I currently have. And you know what? That's one of the ongoing forces in the plot and if I told you, there wouldn't be a point in reading!!! Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. People are stupid.

What's up with Locke = Tarquinn?
Eh, I guess I never explained this in full detail. Locke was his alias in the Etherworld, among the other demons. That's what they chose to call him. His name really is Tarquinn. Locke is like a nickname, I guess you could say.

More stuff to come as you ask questions/ the need arises.